
研究 & 培训的博客


by Manju Banerjee博士.D.

NOTE: Components of this article are also being published as part of the 劳特利奇教育百科全书


注意缺陷多动障碍(注意力缺陷多动症) 一组神经行为障碍,导致发育不适当的注意力自我调节, 冲动, 和多动症 (胡子,2017). 的 defining characteristic of 学生 with 注意力缺陷多动症 is inattention, 难以集中注意力, 常伴有多动和冲动, 通常表现在多个设置中.


通常, 注意力缺陷多动症与其他疾病同时发生, 包括特殊学习障碍(25%), 焦虑和强迫症(25%), depressive disorders (35%) and autism spectrum disorders (67%) (Davis & Kollins; 2012; Beard, 2017). 对注意力缺陷多动症的综合干预或支持, 通常包括一系列的方法, 并且是根据个体在神经心理学评估后的独特表现和症状定制的. Environmental context is important; in the case of younger children, 家庭是支持系统的一部分, 而对于大学生和成年人来说, 多动症的指导起着重要的作用.

Supports for 注意力缺陷多动症 broadly fall into four categories: (1) Pharmacological; (2) Educational; (3) Psychosocial; and (4) Behavioral. 药理学干预涵盖了用于治疗注意力缺陷多动症症状的兴奋剂药物的范围. 教育支持包括个性化教育计划(IEP)中确定的学术住宿。, 504 Plan and/or by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 一种常见的社会心理支持是认知行为疗法(CBT),这是一种针对多动症患者自我批评思想的心理健康咨询,帮助个体重新定位他们的思维, 从而改变行为. Another very frequently used psychosocial support for individuals with 注意力缺陷多动症 is coaching. 对注意力缺陷多动症患者的行为支持涉及一系列行为矫正技术, 策略, 以及管理分心的工具, 完成任务的时间, and a host of executive function challenges including time management, 自律, 优先排序和组织.

对注意力缺陷多动症的支持是有效的,当他们解决“当前”的功能限制,并根据个人和环境背景进行个性化, 无论是在教室还是在工作场所. 支持人员必须认识到注意力缺陷多动症的发展本质以及相关症状(如压力和焦虑)的影响, episodic and chronic depression and self-sabotaging behaviors. A comprehensive support plan should also consider the side effects of medication, which can change as the individual goes from childhood to puberty to adult.

Specific 注意力缺陷多动症 support information for different audiences such as parents, 学生, 有工作的成年人等等, 可以在几个国家组织中找到,例如 Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD); 注意缺陷障碍协会; 理解.org; LD在线; ADDitude; and multiple blogs and discussion forums.




* 指示要求




随着时间的推移,患有多动症和共病障碍的学生人数一直在稳步增加. 的 Government Accountability Office (GAO, 2009) notes that between 2000 and 2008, U.S. college 学生 who indicated that they have 注意力缺陷多动症 increased from 6.7%至19%.1%. And based on parent survey report and child healthcare claims, the 2016年CDC报告称 that the estimated number of children and adolescents ever diagnosed with 注意力缺陷多动症 was 6.100万年. 考虑到这些数字,对多动症的支持正在增加. 下面的部分讨论了对注意力缺陷多动症的每一大类支持的一些重点, 即, Pharmacological; Educational; Psychosocial; and Behavioral.


Stimulants have long been the traditional medication for addressing 注意力缺陷多动症 symptoms. 兴奋剂包括哌甲酯类药物,如利他林, Concerta, Daytrana和Metadate, 以及, dextroamphetamines and amphetamines such as Adderall and Dexedrine. Strattera(以), 一种非兴奋剂药物有时会被开给患有多动症、抑郁症和焦虑症的人. Vyvanse(利地安非他明二烷基酯)是长效安非他明,通常是首选,因为它是一致的,并提供长达14小时的症状支持.

值得注意的是,并非所有患有多动症的人都需要药物治疗,任何药物都必须由合格的医生开具处方并进行监测. DuPaul等人., (2012)研究了Vyvanse对患有注意力缺陷多动症的大学生的影响,发现该药物在减轻注意力缺陷多动症的部分症状方面是有效的, the symptoms were still significant compared to the control group. 与成年人和年轻人相比,对儿童多动症药物的疗效研究更为有力. 药物干预对青少年和成人注意力缺陷多动症人群有效性的研究很少(D 'Alessio) & 巴纳吉,2015). 的 儿童心理研究所网站上的注意力缺陷多动症笔记 有80%的几率被诊断为多动症的人确实会对药物有反应. 关于 50 percent of these respond equally well to methylphenidate or amphetamines, 另外50%的人, 大约一半的人对哌甲酯有更好的反应, 另一半是安非他明. While medication can control for the symptoms of 注意力缺陷多动症, there can be side effects of medication. 副作用包括睡眠质量差, 食欲不振, 易怒和喜怒无常, 高潮和低谷伴随着精力和疲劳, 尤其是当药效消失的时候. Individual response to medication and side effects are varied, hence the need to carefully monitor and regulate the medication. Self-regulation of 注意力缺陷多动症 medication is strongly discouraged.


住宿可以用来解决分心问题, 走神的失去思路的, 注意力持续时间短, 难以集中注意力. Academic accommodations are alternations and/or changes to the space, time, 材料, 并设置任何学术任务,使注意力缺陷多动症患者能够弥补障碍的功能限制,并创造公平的竞争环境, 可以这么说.

住宿, 特别是在高等教育水平或工作场所, 必须设计成不改变学术任务或技术标准的任何基本要求吗. 典型的注意力缺陷多动症学习场所包括在减少注意力分散的房间里进行测试, 考试间歇, 在定时测试中延长时间, 在大型课堂讲座中使用记事员, sitting in the front of the class (preferential seating), 等等.......

支架或基于技术的支持通常用于管理注意力缺陷多动症患者执行功能困难相关的症状, 比如数字日历, 组织者, 规划者, 计时器和闹钟, and software/apps which help reduce distractions by blocking sites on the internet, 当个人正在处理一项任务时. 这些减少分心的软件/应用程序包括:

  • 自由 (有助于阻止各种设备的干扰)
  • 自我控制 (一个基于mac的免费应用程序,它可以帮助你创建一个你想要阻止的网站域名列表,然后允许你阻止这些网站)
  • 冷火鸡 (窗户; includes an option to completely shut down your computer for a given period of time)
  • 保持专注 (Chrome; best for blocking sites in Google Chrome)
  • 救援时间 (Mac, 窗户, 安卓, Linux) good for tracking time spent on projects and blocking out distractions.

It is important to note that these scaffolds and tech-based supports by themselves do not change 注意力缺陷多动症 symptoms; the individual has to be ready to commit to effectively using these supports as needed.


注意力缺陷多动症患者最著名的两种社会心理支持是注意力缺陷多动症指导和认知行为疗法(CBT). 教练被广泛认为是对多动症的有效支持,它不同于辅导和学习策略干预. Coaching is a partnership between the individual and the coach, 两者在哪里共同参与目标设定, 决策, 行动步骤, 和问责制. 这是一种以探究为基础的方法,其基础是以自主的方式促进实现既定目标的行动,并对行动和后果感到所有权. 开放式问题被教练用来引出个人的反应,并通过这个过程使个人参与到自我调节行为中,以达到预期的目标(帕克霍夫曼,S。awilowsky, & 罗兰,2011). 在这个过程中, a coach may identify and address barriers and facilitators for goal attainment (Quinn, 瑞迪, & 梅特兰,2000). 例如, 指导支持可以解决学生陷入开始项目但很少完成项目的循环中的情况.

[Learn more about Coaching Services offered at 具有里程碑意义的大学]

Another psychosocial approach that is sometimes used for individuals with 注意力缺陷多动症 is CBT. CBT是一种心理健康咨询,它解决了多动症患者的自我批评思想,以重新定位一个人的思维, 从而改变行为(拉姆齐) & Rostain, 2006). 的 focus of CBT is reframing challenges that are “here and now,” i.e., current, rather than addressing past events and/or what is subconscious. CBT helps address many of the co-morbid symptoms associated with 注意力缺陷多动症, 比如对自我的焦虑和抑郁.


Behavioral supports for 注意力缺陷多动症 symptoms are many and varied. As the name implies, behavioral supports are based on principles of behavior modification. Reinforcement of desired behavior is one example of this type of support. 强化可以通过口头表扬来实现. Focus should be on what the individual did which was praiseworthy, 而不是个人或结果. Feedback is best when it occurs at the “point of performance” (Barkley, 2008, 换句话说, right when the student has engaged in a certain behavior. 例如, it is better to give a student feedback right when she is being a distraction to peers, 而不是等课后再跟她说话. 另一种行为支持是提供操纵, 比如涂鸦本和笔, 压力球, or fidget gadget that the individual can physical manipulate to help him focus. Opportunity for movement is a well-known support strategy for individuals with 注意力缺陷多动症. Other supports include creating antecedents for desired behaviors, 比如坐在分散注意力的地方减少空间, 工作时有白噪音的背景, 包括音乐, 工作时也要休息. 养成习惯也是有帮助的. 为学生, this means a routine for study time and play/leisure time, 内置奖励,坚持到底.


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