L和mark College Institute for 研究 和 培训


教育工作者和家长经常向LCIRT团队询问他们的经历, 他们的研究, 和 the evidence-based practices they recommend. Below you will find some frequently asked questions, with answers from our team, along with infographics you can download 和 use, 及连结至其他劳工处, 注意力缺陷多动症, 自闭症组织.

  • How do I help my student with writing tasks?

    问题: 我有光明, 口齿清晰的学生,他们可以告诉我关于一个话题的一切,但不能把他们的想法从头脑中转移到纸上. What can I do to help these students improve their academic writing?

    回应: You describe a difficulty faced by many students with dyslexia, attention deficit disorder, 和 executive function challenges. 学术写作是最具挑战性的任务之一,因为它是如此复杂的认知. It puts great dem和s on attention, memory (especially active working memory), 语言处理, 和自我调节.

    管理这种需求的最好方法之一就是把写一篇论文分成一系列小的部分, less cognitively dem和ing tasks, starting with accessing ideas 和 turning them into text. 例如, 学生们可以写下他们最初的想法,而不用担心句子的构成或文章的结构, just to get their ideas rolling onto the page.

    Some students prefer to talk about their ideas out loud, either recording them with a personal recorder, or using voice recognition software, 比如龙, to transcribe their thoughts.

    其他学生如果从素描或绘图开始,然后用文字描述,就会更有吸引力. 我甚至让一些学生用乐高积木或修补玩具之类的工具建立一个模型,来表达他们的想法是如何相互联系的.

    A kinesthetic approach might be to have students “walk” their ideas, moving ahead when adding new content, moving to the side when elaborating those ideas, 和 moving back when presenting opposing arguments. Another student can be a scribe as the student walks, or the student can use a voice recorder to capture their thinking.


  • 什么是计算障碍?

    问题: 计算障碍是真的吗?

    回应: Our LCIRT expert share insights on dyscalculia:

  • What is Executive Function?

    问题: What exactly is executive function anyway?

    回应: Learn more about executive function by reading our one-page overview,然后学习 the ways that executive function supports are integrated into every aspect of 学生生活 和 learning at L和mark College. 如果教育工作者希望获得执行功能(EF)的深入培训,请了解我们的 professional certificate series focused on EF.

    问题: 地标学院如何帮助学生安排日程和完成任务?

    回应: 我们通过多种方式帮助学生安排和完成任务,包括:

    • During First Year classes, which are taken by all incoming students, 我们教学生如何管理时间表,通过日历系统监控时间表, appointments 和 assignments. We offer students the option of paper-based or electronic calendars.
    • Many students prefer electronic calendars, 比如谷歌日历, for the ease of entering recurring events, the ability to color code different kinds of tasks, 特别是, 在表现时将短信或电子邮件提醒发送到智能手机的功能.
    • For students with chronic difficulty completing tasks on time, we offer specialized advising cohorts, which focus on advanced time/task management strategies.
    • We also offer coaching services with professional coaches, 谁为正在发展自我管理技能的学生提供始终如一的动力和责任.

    问题: 我有兴趣学习如何制定和实施有效的课堂策略,以支持执行功能较弱的学生. 更具体地说, 我想把重点放在两项具体的执行技能上:任务启动和工作记忆. 当一个学生有很好的解决简短且高度结构化的非语言任务的能力时,建议采取什么干预措施, but cannot h和le a complex task? 我该如何帮助那些在执行复杂任务时记忆困难的学生呢? Can you provide articles, books 和 re搜索 concerning this issue?

    回应: 你提出了一些有趣的问题,关于如何管理课堂上的执行功能困难. We highly recommend two books by Lynn Meltzer: Executive Function: Theory to PracticePromoting Executive Function in the Classroom, 可以根据我们在地标学院的课堂经验提出一些简短的建议吗.

    对于一个不能处理复杂任务的学生,尽管他有很好的解决问题的能力, 我们帮助学生培养一项任务的微观单元能力, to break it down into a series of smaller, 可管理的步骤. The University of Minnesota Libraries has an interactive 任务的计算器 在他们的网站上帮助学生做长期作业. 我们建议学生将步骤输入到模板中,该模板为每个步骤提供复选框, so they can indicate when each step is completed. The template includes a due date or deadline for each step, with a Plan B box for a backup date if the first deadline isn’t met.

    As far as holding information in memory during complex tasks, we suggest the student NOT try to hold much in memory, 但是通过将信息写在文件卡或参考表上来“卸载”大部分信息, so it is readily available, but is not taking up too much “cognitive work space.”

  • How can I help my student develop social communication skills?

    问题: 你能给我推荐一些策略来帮助我教授自闭症学生适当的社交技巧吗?

    回应: 患有自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的学生在得到明确的指导和可管理的社会环境中练习适当的语言和行为时,学习效果最好. 我建议首先给学生提供明确具体的社会规则.g., stay one arm’s length from other person; follow the speaker’s conversation lead/interest). 教授简单的社交“脚本”是模拟这些规则的好方法.

    社会脚本可以根据学生的个人需求编写, for a confusing situation or for an upcoming event. Once a script has been created, 试着角色扮演如何开始对话,以及如何预测别人会说什么并做出反应. 这些会话也可以被记录下来,用来回顾学生表现出的社会适当和不适当的行为,向他们展示他们的优势领域和他们需要改进的领域.

Learning is a complex 和 individual process. There is no single best way to learn, 但是,大多数学生从学前班到高中都遵循一个明确的学习里程碑轨迹. Students who learn differently, 另一方面, 在传统正规教育的范围内往往表现不佳. To help you better underst和 students with LD, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和自闭症, we have provided resources 和 links on this page. 请注意,我们的回答不代表法律或医疗建议. L和mark College is not liable for any consequences, 不利的或其他, due to information provided on this site.

如果你想了解更多关于这些和其他与学习方式不同的学生有关的问题的深入信息, LCIRT provides a variety of 专业发展 选项 for both individuals 和 schools, colleges, 和 organizations. 接收免费材料,包括最新的研究和最佳实践, 订阅我们的 通讯.

现在可以免费下载关于自我倡导和执行功能的海报, as well as our Bio Success! 出版.


了解更多关于从地标学院的神经多样性社会的好处 Center for Neurodiversity.
