

Use of the Landmark College 图书馆 by 访问ors

The Landmark College 图书馆 exists to provide academic support to students, 教师 and 工作人员 of Landmark College. The Landmark College community extends to the following individuals:

  • 校友也可以免费使用图书馆的资源和服务,并享有与当前地标学院学生相同的借阅特权.
  • 目前的地标学院学生的家庭成员欢迎作为地标学院社区的一部分,因此有充分的访问图书馆的资源和服务. 经学生授权,可通过学生图书馆帐户借阅图书馆资料.
  • 类似的, 当前Landmark College员工的子女可以通过其父母或监护人的账户借用物品,并获得该账户持有人的授权. As per College policy, minors must be accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian.


  • 参加佛蒙特州学术图书馆联盟教师互借计划的教师
  • 坐在教师, 工作人员, and students actively enrolled or employed at the World Learning Brattleboro campus
  • 目前正在参加Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训举办的讲习班
  • Students from other colleges and universities
  • Landmark College affiliates (spouses and legal partners of Landmark College employees)
  • 温德姆县居民

使用书院图书馆设施及资源的访客同意放弃因使用图书馆设施而对书院及其员工提出的一切法律申索, 理由, 设备, or other amenities at the College. 他们进一步同意不会以任何理由对地标学院采取法律行动, 包括因使用这些设施而造成的任何伤害或财产损失, 理由, 设备, or any other amenities at the College.


Use of Resources Within the 图书馆 by 访问ors

访客可使用图书馆的书刊作专业或学术研究之用, 提供使用并不与图书馆对地标学院社区的主要责任相冲突. Minors must be accompanied at all times by a parent or guardian.

目前参加Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训 workshop的人员应参阅LCIRT workshop参与者的图书馆服务,而不是本政策的其余部分.

The following services are NOT available to most visitors: interlibrary-loan borrowing, free photocopying or color printing, access to article databases, 或使用电脑进行搜寻图书馆网上目录以外的活动,只使用设在图书馆中庭的图书馆目录电脑.

例外情况:可以出示在其他学院或大学注册或工作的带照片的身份证明的访客可以出于学术目的使用图书馆的数据库. Use may be restricted during busy times of the day or evening, and there will be a charge for photocopying and color printing. Because they are extended members of the College community, Landmark College的校友和家庭成员在校期间也可以使用图书馆的数据库.

印刷 and Photocopy Fees:

  • 10 cents per page for black-and-white copies
  • 25 cents for color copies and color printouts

While photocopying is available to all visitors, printer use (for purposes other than printing from the WebCat online catalog computers in the atrium) is restricted to: college students; SIT/World Learning 教师, 工作人员, and students; VCAL 教师; Landmark College alumni and family members; and LCIRT participants.

Reciprocal Borrowing Privileges


坐在教师, 工作人员, and Students actively enrolled or employed at the World Learning Brattleboro campus:

With SIT/World Learning identification, 教师, 工作人员, and students are welcome to borrow most materials at the Landmark College 图书馆, according to its 流通政策.

教师 Members at Vermont Consortium of Academic Libraries (VCAL) institutions:

参加VCAL教师互借计划的学院成员可以在地标学院图书馆借阅大部分资料, according to its 流通政策.

请浏览 VCAL 教师 Reciprocal Borrowing Policy page for details and an application form.

访问or Borrowing Privileges

Individuals in the following categories may apply for 访问or Borrowing Privileges:

Landmark College Affiliates:当前地标学院教职员工的配偶和法定伴侣有资格获得访客借阅特权.

Adult Residents of Windham County, VT: Adult residents (age 18+) of Windham County, 佛蒙特州可能, upon presentation of a valid photo ID and proof of address, apply for visitor borrowing privileges. 18岁以下的居民没有父母或法定监护人的签字,没有资格借用特权. 父母或法定监护人必须亲自陪同未成年人申请,并出示有效的带照片的身份证件和地址证明.


Books may be borrowed for 14 days.

A maximum of 10 items may be charged out by a visitor at any one time. Of these items, a maximum of 5 may belong to our Learning Disabilities & AD/HD 研究 Collection.

The following items do NOT circulate to visitors:
Interlibrary loan materials, audiovisual materials (including music CDs and audiobooks), 期刊(杂志, 期刊, 和报纸), 参考书, 计算机手册, 小册子, 软件, or other items not covered by the section “Loan Periods” above.


项目可续借一次, providing use does not interfere with the needs of Landmark College students, 教师, 或员工.


逾期费用为$.每天25美元. 由于我们的馆藏很少而且使用频繁,我们要求顾客在用完资料后尽快归还,以便其他人可以使用. We reserve the right to recall items before their due date. 逾期罚款超过10元或逾期物品超过3件者,将被暂停借阅.


访问ors are responsible for the materials checked out to them. 图书馆 materials not returned within a month will be considered lost. 除了逾期费用外,参观者还需支付每本遗失图书15美元的处理费.


General collection: $50, plus processing and overdue fees
LD & AD/HD 研究 Collection: $75, plus processing and overdue fees

参观者退回损坏的物品将被收取更换费用和每件物品15美元的处理费(除了逾期费用外), 如果有的话). 对于不再印刷或无法从出版商处获得的书籍和资料,将适用上述费用.



图书馆服务署长有权以任何理由暂时或永久停止向访客提供外借或馆内特权. 图书馆馆长不在时,主管人员保留上述权利.

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